The Mona Lisa Vanishes (Hardcover)






The Mona Lisa Vanishes (Hardcover)

Availability: 尚有庫存 貨號: 9780593643846 分類: , , , , , 標籤: , ,
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一個多世紀以前,在巴黎八月的一個炎熱的日子裏,一個絕望的警衛沖進盧浮宮館長的辦公室,喊道:「La Joconde, c 'est party !」蒙娜麗莎,她不見了!

 A Legendary Painter, a Shocking Heist, and the Birth of a Global Celebrity

On a hot August day in Paris, just over a century ago, a desperate guard burst into the office of the director of the Louvre and shouted, La Joconde, c’est partie! The Mona Lisa, she’s gone!

No one knew who was behind the heist. Was it an international gang of thieves? Was it an art-hungry American millionaire? Was it the young Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, who was about to remake the very art of painting?