Find the Fox : An Almost Impossible Word Search
- Description
您準備好接受令您質疑自己的人生選擇的挑戰了嗎? 《找狐狸》是第一本旨在讓你瘋狂的字謎遊戲書。在這長達 200 頁、充滿無盡網格的冒險故事中,難以捉摸的單字「FOX」僅隱藏過一次。是的,你沒看錯──僅一次。
Just one word to find.
Can you find the ‘FOX’?
Are you ready for a challenge that will make you question your life choices? Find the Fox is the first word search book that’s designed to drive you bonkers. In amongst this 200-page odyssey of endless grids, the elusive word ‘FOX’ is hidden just once. Yes, you read that right – just once.
It’s like finding a needle in a haystack, if the haystack was made entirely of needles.
Find the Fox is just like a normal word search: the word ‘FOX’ can appear either horizontally, vertically or diagonally and could be either forwards or backwards. What sets it apart? In this book, there are no training wheels, no bite-sized puzzles, no answer key: just the pure unadulterated thrill of the hunt. Why you’ll love Find the Fox (or at least have a laugh at someone else’s expense):
Ultimate Test of Patience: Perfect for those who enjoy banging their head against a wall in frustration. If you have zen-like patience, this book will shatter it.
Brain Teaser on Steroids: Ideal for anyone who thinks regular word searches are for wimps. This is the Everest of word searches, and you’re climbing it with no gear.