




Two Sides

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Lula 和 Lenka 是最好的朋友,也是完全相反的——Lula 是愛狗人士,而 Lenka 是愛貓人士; Lula 非常邋遢,而 Lenka 則乾淨整潔;露拉 (Lula) 喜歡與人交談,而蘭卡 (Lenka) 喜歡觀察人——但她們在一起是完美的一對。直到有一天,一切都變得不對勁……突然間這兩個女孩不再是朋友了。

Lula and Lenka are best friends and total opposites – Lula is a Dog Person and Lenka is a Cat Person; Lula is super messy and Lenka is neat and tidy; Lula likes talking to people and Lenka likes watching people – but together they make the perfect pair. Until The Day that Everything Goes Wrong … and suddenly the girls are no longer friends.

What started as a day like any other ends with Lula and Lenka ignoring each other and sitting on opposite sides of the classroom. As the days go by Lula makes a new friend who talks almost as much as she does, while Lenka just plays on her own. In spite of feeling lonely, neither one is prepared to listen or forgive … or to say sorry. Will it be this way forever?

A thoughtful story exploring friendship and the importance of listening and keeping an open mind.