The Terrible Two Get Worse






The Terrible Two Get Worse

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幾乎每天,這對可怕的惡作劇二人組都會用他們的特技把Yawnee Valley科學和文學學院搞得天翻地覆。他們的惡作劇給同學們帶來了歡樂,也給他們的宿敵——愛吹牛的巴金校長帶來了尷尬。

Miles Murphy and Niles Sparks are great at being terrible.
Nearly every day the fearsome pranking duo turns Yawnee Valley Science and Letters Academy upside down with their stunts. The Big Chirp. The Cafeteria Calamity. Their pranks bring joy to their classmates and embarrassment to their nemesis: blowhard Principal Barkin.

But one day—school picture day, to be precise—a scheme goes too far, and Principal Barkin ends up fired. His replacement: Principal Barkin Senior, the principal’s no-nonsense father. The new principal runs the school with an iron fist, out to destroy all signs of fun. No group work. No Pajama Day. And definitely no pranking.