Manifest for Kids
- 描述
這是一本為孩子們提供的鼓舞人心的指南,由《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書《MANIFEST》和《MANIFEST:Dive Deeper》的作者 Roxie Nafousi 撰寫。
An inspiring guide to manifesting for kids, from Roxie Nafousi, Sunday Times bestselling author of MANIFEST and MANIFEST: Dive Deeper.
Are you ready to learn a new superpower? Then let me introduce you the world of MANIFESTING.
Manifesting is a way of using your own mind to become your BEST and HAPPIEST self. Anyone can manifest, and I want to help you learn how with FOUR SIMPLE STEPS that will teach you to:
• Understand your feelings
• Grow your confidence
• Appreciate everything you have
• Set and reach your goals
With activities to do alone and with friends and family, plus a daily journal, this incredible book will give you the tools you need to manifest your best and most brilliant lives!