People Like Stars
- 描述
屢獲殊榮的 Patrice Lawrence 的第一本當代中學小說,以溫暖和慈悲的筆觸,娓娓道出令人目不暇給的懸疑故事,並探討破裂的家庭、埋藏已久的秘密和友誼的力量。
Multi-award-winning Patrice Lawrence’s first contemporary middle grade novel is a page-turning mystery and exploration of fractured families, long-buried secrets and the power of friendship, told with warmth and compassion.
Three 13-year-old strangers are connected by one big secret. Nervous Ayrton was stolen away from his mum as a baby. He was returned safely, but now Mum won’t let him out of her sight. Curious Stanley has a Forbidden Grandmother. His mum won’t even talk about her. Homeless Sen has finally found a place to live, but she’ll be out on the street if she upsets her secretive landlady.
What happens when their paths cross…?