Tokyo Dreaming
- 描述
回到東京,參加 Emiko Jean 所寫的《東京之夢》中的一場皇室婚禮 – 該書是瑞茜·威瑟斯彭讀書俱樂部精選和紐約時報暢銷書《東京永遠之後》的續集。
Return to Tokyo for a royal wedding in Tokyo Dreaming, by Emiko Jean – the sequel to the Reese Witherspoon Book Club Pick and New York Times bestseller Tokyo Ever After.
When Japanese-American Izumi Tanaka learned her father was the Crown Prince of Japan, she became a princess overnight. Now, she’s overcome conniving cousins, salacious press, and an imperial scandal to finally find a place she belongs. She has a perfect bodyguard turned boyfriend. Her stinky dog, Tamagotchi, is living with her in Tokyo. Her parents have even rekindled their college romance and are engaged. A royal wedding is on the horizon! Izumi’s life is a Tokyo dream come true. Only . . .