Cookie! (Book 2): Cookie and the Most Annoying Girl in the World






Cookie! (Book 2): Cookie and the Most Annoying Girl in the World

Availability: 尚有庫存 貨號: 9781848128637 分類: , , , , ,
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在第二個精彩有趣的故事中,科學狂Cookie準備拯救地球! 當Cookie發現自己有兩張流行歌手阿利安娜·蒂尼的門票時,蘇西·阿什比突然想成為她最好的朋友。 

In her second brilliantly funny story, science-mad Cookie is ready to save the planet! When Cookie finds herself with two tickets to see popstar Aliana Tiny, Suzie Ashby suddenly wants to be her best friend.

One small problem – Suzie is the most annoying girl in the world. UGH! So how is that Cookie manages to fall out with her real friends Jake and Keziah and become best buddies with Suzie instead? Can she win them back, ditch Suzie and save the planet in the process?