Get Me Out of Here!






Get Me Out of Here!

Availability: 尚有庫存 貨號: 9781407195681 分類: , ,
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Danny’s mates are brilliant: there’s his best mate Giraffles, so-called because of his unusually long neck; the MandM twins, who are always finishing each other’s sentences; and Lucky Success (and I reckon you can guess how he got his name). They’re the best mates a kid could ask for, and when an epic school trip is announced, they’re all properly made up about it.
Because school trips are just an excuse to have a laugh with your mates, right?
Let’s just say that this is a trip like no other, and Danny, Giraffles, Lucky and the MandMs have got a real challenge on their hands.
Will they make it through?
If Danny has anything to do with it, you bet they will!