The Labors of Hercules Beal






The Labors of Hercules Beal

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獲獎作家加裏·d·施密特(Gary D. Schmidt)的作品,沿襲了《星期三的戰爭》(the Wednesday Wars)的風格,是一部溫暖而詼諧的小說。在這部小說中,一個七年級的學生必須弄清楚如何在現實生活中完成一項任務,完成大力神的十二項任務,並在此過程中發現了友誼、社區和他自己。

From award-winning author Gary D. Schmidt, a warm and witty novel in the tradition of The Wednesday Wars,in which a seventh grader has to figure out how to fulfill an assignment to perform the Twelve Labors of Hercules in real life—and makes discoveries about friendship, community, and himself along the way.

Herc Beal knows who he’s named after—a mythical hero—but he’s no superhero. He’s the smallest kid in his class. So when his homeroom teacher at his new middle school gives him the assignment of duplicating the mythical Hercules’s amazing feats in real life, he’s skeptical. After all, there are no Nemean Lions on Cape Cod—and not a single Hydra in sight.