Cat & Cat Adventures: The Goblet of Infinity






Cat & Cat Adventures: The Goblet of Infinity

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Squash和Ginny的旅程繼續,他們正在尋找無盡之杯,這是一個能創造出無窮無盡美味飲品的寶藏! 但是當貓咪們到達杯子的藏匿地點時,寶藏卻不見了。 相反,貓們遇到了一隻名叫Fern的獨角獸,它堅信邪惡的龍巫婆偷走了這個杯子。

Cats, magical portals, and snacks, oh my!

Squash and Ginny’s journey continues as they search for the Goblet of Infinity, a treasure that creates a never-ending supply of delicious drinks! But when the cats arrive at the goblet’s hiding place, the treasure is nowhere to be found. Instead, the cats meet a unibear named Fern who is convinced that the evil Dragon Witch has stolen the goblet.

But as Squash and Ginny try to get to the bottom of the mystery, they begin to see that not everything (or everyone) is exactly as they seem. . . .