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Sam Usher 新作四部曲中的第一部,主角是備受喜愛的男孩和爺爺。這一次,他們運用自己的智慧,透過修補、回收和再利用,製造出各種他們喜愛的交通工具,帶領他們到世界各地,甚至更遠的地方,進行刺激的冒險!

The first title in a new quartet from Sam Usher featuring the much-loved Boy and Grandad. This time they use their resourcefulness to mend, recycle and re-use to create a variety of favourite vehicles which take them on exciting adventures around the world – and beyond!

ZOOM! sees them blasting off into space in their homemade rocket to mend a broken module and rescue two stranded astronauts. A delightful family read, exploring creativity, celebrating recycling and deftly introducing subtle science and engineering facts – all the while following the enduring and heart-warming Boy-Grandad relationship.