Richard Scarry’s Best Collection Ever! (10冊)
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《Richard Scarry’s Best Collection Ever!》 特價: $249/set (10冊)
翻開《Richard Scarry’s Best Collection Ever!》,會發現裡頭的小動物們忙著打掃、開車、上超市…各種日常生活中的細節,都逃不過Richard Scarry鉅細靡遺的觀察力,每個物品旁邊清楚地列出名稱或用途,培養孩子對生活常識的了解。幽默的故事內容不但容易閱讀,畫面中的有趣細節更蘊藏許多驚喜。
*Richard Scarry’s what do people do all day?
*Richard Scarry’s best counting book ever
*Richard Scarry’s funniest storybook ever
*Richard Scarry’s busiest people ever
*Richard Scarry’s planes and rockets and things that fly
*Richard Scarry’s cars and trucks and things that go
*Richard Scarry’s best word book ever
*Richard Scarry’s best first book ever
*Richard Scarry’s great big schoolhouse
*Richard Scarry’s great big mystery book
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Weight | 2.5 kg |