Billionaires: The Lives of the Rich and Powerful






Billionaires: The Lives of the Rich and Powerful

Availability: 2 件庫存 貨號: 9781770464483 分類: , , ,
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在《億萬富翁:富人和權貴的生活》一書中,Darryl Cunningham對美國私營部門的四位關鍵人物——亞馬遜創始人兼首席執行官傑夫·貝佐斯、媒體大亨魯珀特·默多克、石油和天然氣大亨查爾斯·科赫和大衛·科赫的起源和思想演變進行了富有啟發性的分析。這是對美國資本主義的重要批判,以及這些人對政策製定、政治競選和整個社會施加腐敗影響的權力。

An informative and funny deconstruction of how the giants of American capitalism shape our world

In Billionaires: The Lives of the Rich and Powerful, Darryl Cunningham offers an illuminating analysis of the origins and ideological evolutions of four key players in the American private sector–Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, media mogul Rupert Murdoch, and oil and gas tycoons Charles and David Koch. What emerges is a vital critique of American capitalism and the power these individuals have to assert a corrupting influence on policy-making, political campaigns, and society writ large.